Campus & Workplace Safety

At VCU, safety is a partnership and a shared responsibility that requires active participation across all departments and positions. Whether you work in or use a laboratory, office, art studio or maintenance facility, or even perform fieldwork off-site, our goal is to help you be as safe as possible. Whether you work in or use a laboratory, office, art studio or maintenance facility, or even perform fieldwork off-site, our goal is to help you be as safe as possible.

Safety Framework

Woman wearing hardhat talking on phone

Our safety framework is based on the belief that we all want to go home at the end of our workday as healthy and as safe as when we arrived at work.  

To accomplish this, we provide:

  • Comprehensive safety systems and practices
  • A dedicated safety organization
  • Line ownership of safety                                                                   
  • Multifaceted involvement in safety activities
  • Training to provide the knowledge and skills that achieve
    desired outcomes


Virginia Commonwealth University policy includes routine and unannounced inspections in order to promote our safety culture and ensure everyone is familiar with safety practices that protect people, property, productivity and the environment.  

As part of our safety management initiative, VCU safety committees routinely meet to discuss safety concerns, make recommendations and craft action plans.

Contact Us

For assistance accessing information related to our workplace safety programs, please contact

Occupational Health & Safety Staff