New Labs

All new labs must contact Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) to set up a "Meet and Greet" meeting to orient the new lab with EHS policies and procedures.

New Laboratory Principal Investors must set up a profile in SciShield.

  • Contact EHS to set up a profile
  • Once EHS sets up the initial lab profile,
    go to to complete the lab’s profile using the Wizard setup process.

Lab Relocations & Lab Closures 

What to Do, Who to Contact

  • Designate a lab move coordinator to work with Facilities and Environmental Health & Safety (EHS)
  • Contact EHS at as soon as you know you are going to move/close your lab,
    EHS can assist and make the whole process easier
  • For more information see the Guideline for Lab Relocation

If the laboratory has any of the following, please contact the:

Radiation Safety Team

    • Lasers
    • X-Ray producing devices
    • Radioisotopes
    • Sealed Sources

Equipment Clearance

The Environmental Health & Safety Hazardous Waste Team inspects and clears all laboratory equipment that is being sent to surplus or for laboratory moves. Since some of the equipment may be contaminated with chemical, biological or radioactive hazards, it is important that the equipment is appropriately cleaned and decontaminated before the VCU movers are able to handle it safely.
*EHS does not clear office equipment or computers. 

Procedure for clearing equipment is as follows:

  1. Properly decontaminate your equipment as per the Decon Guide
  2. Put in a work order in Facilities Self Service and select either Lab Move or Lab Surplus
  3. Send an email to and attach the completed equipment list form
  4. EHS staff will come to clear the equipment within 48 hours of a request sent

Procedure Links

For More Information

See the SciShield section for more information:
