Laboratory Cleanouts
Laboratory cleanouts are considered special projects and will incur a cost to the lab or department. Laboratory cleanouts usually require a third-party vendor to come to the lab and conduct a “lab pack” of all chemicals that require disposal.
To request a laboratory cleanout, the lab must contact Environmental Health and Safety, Occupational Health and Safety directly with the following information:
1. Name of contact
2. Building name and room number(s)
3. Volume of chemicals (an approximation is ok)
4. Be able to provide a list of the chemicals to be disposed
It is helpful and less costly if all chemicals that require disposal are consolidated in one area of the laboratory.
Useful Tips for Managing Chemicals
- Only buy in small volumes
- Use or dispose of peroxide forming chemicals before their expiration date
- Quench all highly reactive chemicals prior to disposal
- Request regular waste pick ups to avoid a large accumulation of old chemicals in the laboratory.
- Keep the lab’s chemical inventory in BioRAFT Chemtracker updated and check it before buying chemicals to avoid buying multiple bottles of the same chemicals.
Contact Chemical Safety
For questions or concerns, contact our Hazardous Waste Technicians: