Hearing Conservation
VCU Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene partner to manage the hearing conservation program at VCU. The program focuses on preventing permanent hearing loss caused by over-exposure to high levels of noise.
OHS personnel identify high-risk jobs and work areas, provide noise monitoring, and offer training. Employees in some roles at VCU may require baseline and annual audiometric (hearing) testing.
Workplace Noise Exposure Evaluation
A comprehensive evaluation of noise exposure in the workplace is essential for VCU employee well-being. The evaluation begins with conducting a thorough assessment to determine whether the noise level in a space exceeds or is likely to exceed the hazardous noise exposure limit. If an individual has to raise their voice to be heard three feet away, the workplace is likely over the limit for noise exposure.
As a part of the evaluation, VCU OHS staff will investigate the noise hazard in a space and provide actionable recommendations aimed at effectively controlling noise at its source.
Hearing conservation training is provided through SciShield, which is accessible to anyone with a VCU eID. Employees who work in an area that exceeds the recommended noise limits will be assigned this training every year. Additionally, others who are interested in hearing loss prevention are also encouraged to view the training.
To access the training, log into SciShield, click on “Training,” click "Course Directory" and choose "Hearing Conservation Awareness).
Hearing Protection
If a work area exceeds the hazardous noise exposure limits and noise reduction strategies are insufficient, then OHS will recommend appropriate hearing protection devices.
Considerations such as employee comfort, level of noise exposure, the noise reduction rating of a device, the type of work being performed and environmental conditions will all be taken into account.
Training and fitting of hearing protection is required for over-exposed employees and will be conducted at the time of baseline and annual services. Hearing protection devices will be provided free of charge to the affected employee.
Audiometric Testing
Audiometric testing is used to identify hearing loss and is provided to employees whose area exceeds the regulatory limits on noise exposure. For those employees, a baseline and annual re-testing will be completed free of charge.
More information
For more information about the hearing conservation program, refer to the PDF linked below.