Who We Are

We partner with the VCU community to promote a positive, campuswide attitude of safety excellence and environmental stewardship to protect university assets and reduce risks.

What We Do

Our staff provides expertise, services and consultations to assist organizations in achieving regulatory compliance and continuous improvement. To learn more, contact us.

Why It Matters

Everything we do as the VCU community is based on the belief that we all want to go home at the end of our workday as healthy and as safe as when we
arrived at work.

Monroe Camous street view

Emergency Numbers

(804) 828-1234

(804) 828-9834

(804) 828-9834

(804) 828-9834


Non-Emergency Numbers

Fire Safety:
(804) 828-7899

Radiation Safety:            Lab Safety:
(804) 828-9131    (804) 828-1392

Insurance & Risk:
(804) 827-0359