Fire Safety aims to prevent fires in VCU and VCU Health buildings by providing fire safety and prevention training to building occupants, facilities management (fmd) and contractors. Our team promotes safety and remains compliant with applicable fire codes by routinely testing and inspecting various fire systems, equipment and procedures.
VCU Fire Safety also provides on-scene coordination between VCU Operations Center and the Richmond Fire Department. Following an emergency, we ensure fire protection and alarm equipment returns to proper working order.
The Fire Safety team manages various fire detecting, extinguishing and suppression systems on both the Monroe Park and MCV campuses. Our team is responsible for developing and maintaining practices in support of reducing fire risks by ensuring these systems are operated properly and regularly inspected and tested.
VCU Fire Safety conducts annual, quarterly, and monthly fire evacuation drills based on occupancy to maintain compliance with the 2018 Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code (VSFPC).
Most VCU locations will experience at least 1 fire evacuation drill per year (Annually).
VSFPC 405.4 Time
Drills shall be held at unexpected times and under varying conditions to simulate the unusual conditions that occur in case of fire.
VSFPC 405.5 Record Keeping
Records shall be maintained of required emergency evacuation drills and include the following information:
Identity of the person conducting the drill
Date and time of the drill
Notification method used
Employees on duty and participating
Number of occupants evacuated
Special conditions simulated
Problems encountered
Weather conditions when occupants were evacuated
Time required to accomplish complete evacuation
The hot work permitting process was developed to provide occupational safety guidelines for welding, cutting and brazing flame activities in order to comply with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations 29 CFR 1910.252, 1910.253, and 1910.254. This Program applies to all welding, cutting, and brazing work activities performed by VCU employees or contractors who are performing work under the direction of any VCU department.