Bloodborne Pathogens and Exposure Prevention
Bloodborne pathogens (BBP) are disease-causing viruses, bacteria, or other organisms than can cause serious illness, and are transmitted through contact with human blood or other potentially infectious materials (OPIM).
VCU faculty, staff and students who engage in tasks that pose a potential risk of occupational exposure to human blood or OPIMs are covered under OSHA’s BBP Standard 29 CFR 1910.1030, titled "Occupational Exposure to BBP."
Identifying the Hazard and Creating an Exposure Control Plan
Workers in many roles at VCU — such as first responders, police, lifeguards, housekeeping staff, facilities staff, plumbers, clinical staff and research personnel in laboratories — who directly work with blood, body fluids and human cell lines may be at risk of exposure to BBP.
Workplaces with any type of bloodborne hazards must create and maintain a current exposure control plan (ECP), which facilitate the implementation and compliance with safety standards.
VCU Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) have developed the following ECP templates for both laboratory personnel and non-laboratory personnel.
All VCU employees with occupational exposure to BBP must undergo both initial and annual training online via SciShield. In line with the ECP templates, the courses are tailored for laboratory personnel and non-laboratory personnel.
Hepatitis B Vaccine
VCU Employee Health Services offers the hepatitis B vaccination series free of charge to all employees who are or may be potentially exposed to BBP as a part of their job responsibilities and after completion of the initial BBP training (see the training section above).
Employees can also discuss their personal risk for vaccination with an Employee Health representative by calling (804) 828-0584.
VCU employees who decline the vaccination must sign a declination form available in the training module — documentation of refusal of the vaccination is stored in REDCap. Employees who initially decline may request and obtain the vaccination at a later date at no cost.
In the Event of an Exposure
If an employee is injured by a needle or another sharp object or if blood or another potentially infectious material comes into contact with their eyes, nose, mouth or broken skin, they must take immediate action by:
- Flushing the exposed area with water and cleaning any shallow wound with soap and water. If running water is not accessible, use a skin disinfectant.
- Notifying their supervisor and reporting the injury or illness by filling out the First Report of Accident form. Learn more here.
- Seeking follow up medical attention.
- Employees and students on paid assignment should:
- During business hours (Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.): Visit VCU Employee Health Services (804-828-0584), 401 N. 11th St, Nelson Clinic, 1st Floor
- After hours and on weekends: Call VCU Health Systems Emergency Triage at (804) 828-0440 or (804) 828-0999
- Students who are not on paid assignment should:
- During business hours (Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.): Visit, call or report to Student Health Services:
- MCV Campus: (804) 828-9220, 1000 E. Marshall St. (VMI Building), 3rd Floor, Suite 305
- Monroe Park Campus: (804) 828-8828, 1300 W. Broad St. (Sports Medicine Building), Suite 2200
- After hours and on weekends: Call VCU Health Systems Emergency Triage at (804) 828-0440 or (804) 828-0999.
- During business hours (Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.): Visit, call or report to Student Health Services:
- Employees and students on paid assignment should:
Exposure Reporting
VCU employees who are exposed to a BBP or OPIM while at work must report the incident to VCU Human Resources (HR) by completing the First Report of Accident Form. For more information and a link to the form, visit the VCU HR website.
Additionally, incidents involving rDNA material must be reported to the VCU Biosafety Office within 24 hours of occurrence. Report the occurrence by emailing the BioSafety Officer (contact information can be found here).
Sharps-related injuries must be recorded in a sharps injury log that can be obtained from VCU Employee Health Services.
Spill Clean up
In the event of a body fluid spill that is beyond a minor first aid injury:
- Refer to biological spills page for spill cleanup instructions and more information.
- Submit supply requests for medical waste items clean up via the VCU Facilities Management Facilities Self Service. After logging in using your VCU credentials, under the "Problem Type" field, select “Custodial."
Waste Disposal
To properly dispose of waste that is contaminated with blood and/or body fluids, please follow the procedures on the biohazardous waste management page.
Infectious Waste Management Standard Operating Procedures
For more information on bloodborne pathogens, or if you are an employee who needs to request a sharps container, replacement biohazard bags or a pickup of regulated biohazard waste, please see: