Radiation Safety

Radiation Safety is responsible for the safe use of radioactive material and radiation-producing devices.  The guiding principle of maintaining exposures to ionizing or non-ionizing radiation as low as reasonably achievable is consistent with VCU’s policies to foster a safe working environment known as a positive Safety Culture.

The Radiation Safety Section provides consultation, remote or on-site assistance, audits and guidance for the secure and safe use of radioactive materials, radiation producing devices, and lasers with administrative controls and oversight in each area where radiation devices or radioactive materials or lasers are used.   The goal of the Radiation Safety Program is to identify the needs and respond to requests for assistance within the University, VCU Health, and individuals in order to maintain safety and regulatory compliance.

Clinical Care Human Research

Contact Radiation Safety

For assistance accessing information related to our programs, please contact

Radiation Safety Staff

Office: (804) 828-9131    Fax: (804) 828-1157    After Hours Emergency: 804-828-9834